Monday, February 7, 2011

Rainbows & Unicorns!

Pretty, huh? Shelby's back, and I'll be covering rainbows & unicorns!! Not exactly real rainbows, but it's still gorgeous! And actually, I won't even talk about unicorns... That's possibly for another day! I've seen these rainbow cupcakes (and cake, and cake balls, and pretty much anything you can color with food dye!) floating around the internet, and I've been making them for a little over a year now. I recently got a new cupcake pan from Ikea from my Future Mother-In-Law, so I knew that this would be the perfect moment to use it! You don't need many ingredients...

Go ahead and prepare the cake mix according to the directions on the box (I usually don't make cake from scratch for things like this... Take out a few steps and save some time!) and then seperate the cake mix into different bowls...

I'm not sure of the exact measurements that's in each bowl, but does it really matter? Plus, if you have a favorite color, you can have more of that color than any other!! Grab your food coloring (I usually use my Wilton dye, but I ran out of red, so I used some of the cheap-y stuff I got at Wal-Mart a long time ago!) and dye the mix in each bowl a different color!

Beautiful, aren't they? I usually like my colors deeper, but honestly, who wants to eat a ridiculously colored cupcake? Oh... Wait. That's exactly what we're doing, huh? Oh, well!

This step is super important, especially if you have a lot of colors! Line them up in the correct order. I'm totally serious here... Remember grade school? "ROY G. BIV". And if I see that you have strayed from said "ROY G. BIV", you will have a serious talking to. Oh, you don't kow what "ROY G. BIV" means?? It stands for: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet! The colors of the Rainbow, of course! Now you can't say I never taught you nothin'! Of course, I don't have every single color, but that's okay! So, go ahead and put your cupcake liners into your pan...

And start filling them! Only put a little bit of each color in the cups, though, remember, we want them to be rainbow! So, first is red (really pink, hahaha).

Next up is: Yellow!

Then: Green!

Then... Blue!

And, finally: Indigo (blue-ish purple-ish)! And bake according to your cake box's directions! Mine took a little less time because of the funky shape!

I love this picture! They look like little-baked-Earths! Hahahaha, LET THEM COOL! Seriously, have some patience. Or eat them warm. Whatever!

Cute, huh? I love the cupcake liners, too! And my plates are adorable... Gotta love HomeGoods!

I love the shape of these! And look at the colors on the sides! AMAZING!!! And, begin to frost! Do it however you wish, but I like to use white frosting. Makes it look like clouds!

All frosted and what-not! Which frosting style do you like best?


Or maybe the puffy-clouds?

How about the traditional cupcake swirl?

Throw some dolphin (queue "So Long And Thanks For All The Fish") sprinkles on there and you've got yourself a gorgeous little treat! Enjoy, everybody!


  1. Those are so cool!!! I can't wait to try them!!

  2. So glad you're excited about them, Becky! Let us know how they turn out!! :D Enjoy!

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