Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This Apple Fell Far From the Tree!

Here’s a fun (not) story – I went to Publix on Saturday and bought some fresh fruit.  Among the fruit, I found a bag of apples.  Yum, right?  Wrong.  It turns out most of them were bruised.  So, instead of throwing them out, I decided to do something with them!

My friend, Logan, named these "Far Out Mini Pies" or "FOMP" because of the "apple doesn't fall far..." quote.  So, I'm sticking with it :)
What will you need to make a dozen FOMP, you ask?  

Apples (haha, duh, right?  I suggest half a dozen.  It’s a good, sturdy number.  I used Gala apples.)
1/8 tsp. (I love saying “tisp”) of All Spice
1/2 tsp. of Cinnamon
3/4 cup of Sugar
3 tbsp. Flour
1 Package of pre-made pie-crust dough
Vanilla Ice Cream
Cupcake pan 

Step 1:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  While it’s preheating, mix the All Spice, Cinnamon, Sugar, and Flour in one bowl.  Put this bowl aside for now.

Step 2:
Grease a cupcake pan.  Unroll the dough, and cut out medium-large circles.  I used a cup to cut my circles!  Put each little circle over a cupcake spot, and press it down to form it to the greased pan, as demonstrated in the pictures below.

Step 3:
Chop up the apples!  I did this part one apple at a time, because I wanted to only use as many apples as I had to.  You can see in the pictures that I used smaller chunks, mostly because they’re easier to squish into small (cupcake-sized) places.  Using the mixture from step 1, drop the apple chunks into the bowl and cover them in the mix.  Scoop out the apple chunks and pack them into the dough-formed cupcake holders!  (By the way – smell your hands after this step, if you used your hands to do the dunking.  Yum, right?  I would love to go around smelling like Christmas all the time.)

Step 4:
If there’s leftover powder, sprinkle it over the pies.  Take a small slice of butter and put over each pie.  This will add just a tad flavor, and keep the top moist.  Cover the pan with tinfoil.  This will help the apples cook all the way through.  (And we like fully cooked apples!)

Step 5:
My roommate randomly decided to feed my fish here.  If you have a pet that needs to eat, please feed him, her, or them, at this time.

Step 6:
Put the tin-covered cupcake-pies into the over (which should be preheated by now) for 25 minutes.  I was going to put mine in for a little longer, but when I pulled them out after the 25 minutes, I realized they were cooked pretty well.  Check yours.  If they need to be in for a little longer, place them back in the oven.  It helps if you close the oven door, too ;) 

Step 7:
After the pies have cooled a bit, scoop them out of the cupcake pan and onto plates.  I used a serving spoon to do this.  (I’m in a college dorm, I have to be inventive.)  Put them on a plate or something. (Something because for all I know, you’re inventive too.)  Anywho, now comes the fun part!!!!!

Step 8:
 When serving these pies, put a scoop of ‘nilla ice cream on them!!!!  Yuuuuummmmm.  If you didn’t figure it out, this is the part where you eat them!!!!!! (Also, look at the adorable ice-cream scoop!  I love penguins almost as much as I love sheep and my cat, Keca.)

Also, my roomie helped me out with this project, which was fun.  I didn’t use a recipe for this, it was mostly a collaboration of my own baking experiences and my mom’s told-you-so apple pie ingredients.  It was nice getting to try something new with Laura (said roomie).
"Roomie" A.K.A. Laura


  1. I got you that ice cream scoop!!! :D

  2. They look great! We'll try different variations when you're home on Christmas break. (You keep your fish on your cooking surface?????)

  3. It's a college dorm, the only surfaces we have are cooking surfaces hahaha
